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Reasons to Hire a Business Coach

New Business Owners- Grow your Business-Hire a Business Coach

Congratulations on beginning your journey as an Entrepreneur.

The question is how do you stay alive as a new business owner in the existing market?

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Are Leaders Born or Made?

Do you have a believe that good leaders are born, not made or do we want to call it the nature vs. nurture debate. Good leaders can be developed.

You might be surprised how many people can be developed into leaders, regardless of what field of endeavor they enter.

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FEAR Can it be Managed?

You know you have to take action but what is it that is stopping you from taking that Desired Action.

Is it some time of Fear or is it simply "FEAR OF FAILURE"

Fear of failure can make you powerless loose your confidence and eventually

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Desired Action

Some people Succeed and some fall short why do you think this happens.


It's interesting to learn how many people desire and even demand success but don't commit to the desired action to succeed.

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Why Do Tomorrow What You Can Do Today?

Are you an Entrepreneur having too much to do, having a task list that seems to be packed with things you simply don't want to do but have to do. Whichever you might be, one thing is common: you are procrastinating.

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Anxiety-How do you conquer it?

Does Anxiety concern you, how do you conquer it?

Anxiety is the feeling of apprehension or fear that is strong enough to disturb one's daily activities. It can hit anyone at any point in one's lives, regardless of age and gender.

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The most interesting and important question is, how many times are we really able to recognise an opportunity?

Most people are unable to even recognise the opportunities and the success hidden in them.

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Contact Info

Zest Transformation
Sara Residency, Flat No 05,
Near Kirti Elegance, Baner Balewadi Road,
Baner Mhalunge, Pune 411045
Mobile No: +91 99220 50866 /+91 85540 36868